YIN United

is an organisational development agency, helping to build your culture bottom-up.

YIN United

is an organisational development agency,
helping to build your culture bottom-up.

YIN United

is an organisational development agency, helping to build your culture bottom-up.

YIN United

is an organisational development agency,
helping to build your culture bottom-up.

About Liesbeth Dillen

Liesbeth is a pioneer in implementing feminine cultures. Her background as leading lady at IKEA global/Belgium accounts for this. In 2001, she launched a worldwide focus on female consumers at IKEA, from 2007 onwards she guided female leaders, in 2012 she started to foster wellbeing in the workplace. Her Scandinavian management expertise comes from helping IKEA grow globally for 20+ years. Today she introduces feminine cultures and daily innovative thinking to other sectors. Liesbeth always combines brain with heart, strategic thinking with courageous conversations.

About Emily Rammant

Emily is a person of purpose. She has the gift of helping people and companies determine their path. As a Solvay business engineer and art lover, she always combines her business mindset with a dash of creativity. Before Emily co-founded Yin United and became a Professional Certified Coach, she held a management position in one of Belgium’s leading advertising agencies, co-founded a film production company, and kept an art gallery for emerging female artists. Emily’s pureness is an invitation to connect with your true self.

What describes us both

Joyful, inspiring, uplifting, refreshing and humble.

How we work

As a boutique agency, tailor-made, top-down combined with bottom-up.
We love setting courageous leadership & soulful cultures in your company DNA.

One last thing:

At YIN United, we always strive for a balance between people, business and society

We take joy in helping you grow with our insights, experience, and unwavering conviction. It’s heartening to see leaders & companies evolve into meaningful contributors to society, attracting valuable talent across generations. By addressing significant challenges facing people, society, and the planet, you pave the way for a brighter future.

Contact us

E-mail us

For any kind of information, fill in the form or email hello@yinunited.com

Call us

We are happy to hear from you, just give us a call.

Liesbeth: +32 476 88 07 79

Emily: +32 475 26 89 57