None of us
is as smart as all of us

Courageous leaders don’t only rely on themselves, they count on the collective intelligence of their team and embrace diverse perspectives. By getting the best out of yourself and out of your team, you shift your focus from personal agendas to accomplishing your organization’s purpose and achieving business results. Our leadership programs result in better ideas and decisions for complex challenges.

Explore below how we can help you achieve your goals.

Glow as leadership team

Find below our most popular workshops.

We always tailor-make your journey.

Sharpen your identity in times of change

Define your Company/Team Purpose and Values, the shared ambition that drives you to do the best work of your lives, the impact you want to create in the world, both internally and externally. Translate it in how you’ll deliver this in new leadership behaviour & culture.

Glue & Glow™

An ever-changing world of work calls for more belonging. Create cohesion by lifting your emotional intelligence as a group. Uncover and harvest more from your under-leveraged strengths. We’re not talking transactional relationships, but authentic and meaningful ones. It leads to increased collaboration, better innovation and a greater sense of purpose.

Unbiased Thinking leads to Creative Thinking

To foster a culture of innovation that values risk-taking, it must begin with leadership at the top. Research tells us that your unconscious mind makes a majority of our decisions. Learn which mind bugs influence your thinking and gain more ownership over your decision-making.

Inclusive Leadership Skills: the ABC

80 or 90 percent of executives find innovation a top priority, but only 6 percent are satisfied with their performance (Mc Kinsey). While inclusive cultures have 6 x more innovative capabilities (Deloitte). Grow your inclusive leadership skills and learn how to encourage diversity of thought, for and by all.

Trust in Turbulent Times

The annual Edelman World Barometer concludes that distrust has become society’s default emotion. Build trust and psychological safety combined with high standards of work, to fuel creative and innovative thinking. If trust is the currency of change, it makes high-trust business environments quite wealthy.

Grow as individual leader

Our individual coaching programs give you insight, structure, courage & long-lasting change with a smile.

Build your Legacy

How do you want to be remembered? Reset your priorities and live your purpose to the fullest. Dive deep into your beliefs and values as entrepreneur, and leave a legacy as human being.

Become an inclusive leader that leads with more heart

Inclusive cultures have 6 x more innovative capabilities (Deloitte). Gain insight in the ABC of inclusive leadership skills and learn how to foster synergies within your team.

Build strong relationships at work

Lift your Emotional intelligence. IQ doesn’t predict success on the work floor. EQ does.The EQ-i® is the first scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence tool in the world. To be effective, you need a solid understanding of how your emotions and actions affect the people around you.

Improve your strategic thinking

Profit from our 15+ leadership experience in leading retail companies, production companies and communication agencies and use us as your co-pilote for strategic decisions on brand positioning, marketing and/or client management.

Well-being comes before well-doing

As a leader you are challenged to make healthy decisions for business, for your team and for yourself. Regain confidence in your choices and important decisions, while learning to delegate, trust and let go more.

Amplify trust in your team

If trust is the currency of change, then high-trust environments are quite wealthy. Learn how to build trust and psychological safety in your team in order to set high standards and fuel innovative thinking.

Get rid of the imposter syndrome

Create a feeling of belonging anywhere anytime, and unlearn to question yourself. Fear is part of your growth and extending the comfort zone. “You can’t do it” thinking shifts into “You can’t do it…YET”.


Getting ready for the next step. Your bosses see you take the next step, but uhh…you’d like help to get there. Today you’re an expert, tomorrow a leader? Being yourself, leading in turbulent times, and so much more… how do you do this?

Let’s talk

Get inspired with a free intake call to learn what works best for you.